Thursday, December 31, 2009

Personal Ads

Single F, under 33.
Must enjoy the sun,
must enjoy the sea.
Sought by Single M.
Mrs. Destiny, send photo to address.
Is it you and me?

[Reply to Single M:]
My name is Caroline.
Cellphone number here,
call if you have the time.
XXVIII and bored,
grieving over loss.
Sorry to be heavy,
but heavy is the cost.

[Reply to Caroline:]
Thanks so much for response.
These things can be scary,
not always what you want.
How about a drink?
The St. Jude Club at Noon?
I'll phone you first I guess...
I hope I see you soon.

I never got your name,
I assume you're XXXIII.
Your voice it sounded kind,
I hope that you like me.
When you see my face,
I hope that you don't laugh.
I'm not a film-star beauty.
I sent a photograph.
I hope that you don't laugh...


[Note to Single M:]
Why did you not show up?
I waited for an hour,
and finally gave up.
I thought that once I saw you,
I thought that you saw me.
I guess we'll never meet now,
it wasn't meant to be.
It wasn't meant to be...

I was sure you saw me...
But it wasn't meant to be.

Single F, under 33.
Must enjoy the sun,
must enjoy the sea.
Sought by Single M.
Nothing too heavy.
Send photo to address.
Is it you? Or me?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

It's Christmas day and it's partially blizzarding outside reminding every one of us that it
is definitely a white Christmas. I'm awake this early for reasons unknown. This past week I've usually woken up around sometime in the afternoon but today, I'm up and about at around 9 am. It's amazing cause honestly, I was talking to my boyfriend yesterday from 12:01 am till around 1:41 am.

But anyways, I'm blogging not because of the presents I got, I'll blog about them later. I'm blogging about the dream I had. It's a dream I don't even know why I dreamt. As you read you might laugh, and don't worry, I want you too! Because I know that this dream is

The dream started with me and Vincent walking to his house in the cold, there wasn't that much snow but I guess that's my ideal winter weather. Anyways, we got to his house and warmed up there, we just sat on his couch talking about the future and it was actually pretty calming.

The next bit however, is something I don't understand.

I'm standing in my school near the doors, but it doesn't really look like my school because the inside layout (walls and ceiling) is just like the swimming pool that's near Maples (Maples Swimming Pool?). And I have these small silver metal marbles in my pocket and apparently a sheet of paper, to which I hold the paper horizontally a few inches above the floor and scan around the room. I stop every now and then when a faint glow is on the paper and I place a marble on the floor where I see the paper glowing. I stop after at least 4 marbles are on the ground and I take a step back to where I was originally standing.
You know in those shooter video games like C.O.D. they give you a radar and where people show up there's those little glowing spots? Well apparently, that's what I just did and the marbles on the floor tell me exactly how far my friends are. And I guess I was partially psychic in my dream because I'd text my friend Jherome and I'd
hear his response? Not get it back as a text. But I'd actually hear it in his voice in my head? Well basically he tells me that we're going to meet up and we do.

Next scene takes place in the backyard of Collicutt Elementary School. Me and Jherome are just sitting and talking when all of a sudden two people show up. One of them is a girl, with long hair styled like this;

(...except it was black.)

But anyways! The person she was with was Jon Gucci, and for some reason or another she gave him a weird look and said, "loser" and ran off. In which he started dancing in place singing "Sexy Back"... Oh yeah, and he was holding a hair straightener which was on. It caught me off guard, but it was actually funny too.

P.S. - The girl turned out to be Hazel.


Next on the list...

What I got for Christmas was;
-PSP (1000 gen)
-Nokia Xpressmusic cellphone (other one broke)
-$100+ Hair straightener (VERY nice)
-New Winter Jacket
-Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Monday, December 21, 2009

New game?

So, over the weekend I learned a new game from my brother's friends.
I'm not exactly sure what the name of the game was but I think it was called something like, "Fuck you"? I dunno, maybe.

But anyways, the rules of the game are simple.

Ace - I never...
2 - Give 2.
3 - Take 1, give 2.
4 - Categories.
5 - Rhyme time.
6 - Rule card.
7 - Numbers.
8 - Fuck you.
9 - Story time.
10 - Draw.
Jack - Thumb game.
Queen - Girls drink.
King - Boys drink.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Volver A Comenzar

So, it's already been a year since I first blogged and I have had so much fun typing out all of these past blogs. So much has happened in this year and I noticed how fast the days go by. I'm not sure when I'll stop writing in this blog whether it be in a month, a year, or several years even. But I know that with this, I'll always remember the good days and the hardships that I went through in this little chapter of my life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Worse? Or Better?"

Okay so, first off....

apologies again, about not blogging in such a long time...

But boy do I have much to tell you...

So today, I guess you can call it a moment of clarity but I had the weirdest dream that made me realize... Because of my fondness of my relationship, I've started to lose the closeness I've had with one of my best friends. It's sad but I can guess why I haven't been able to hang out with him in awhile.

I miss him. Not my boyfriend but my close friend.
I used to be able to talk about everything with him and we were close friends since before I went out with my boyfriend. But lately, I haven't seen my friend around for a long time. We might go for a bike ride with everyone else tomorrow but it might be cold outside. But hopefully it won't be? Haha. Wishful thinking.

Oh, also. The reason why I'm still up this late at night?

Waiting for my boyfriend to call. He said he'd call me yesterday. He didn't. But today was no school so I thought he'd call me today at least. Again. Wishful thinking.

Seriously, I'm really happy that me and him have been together for a year and some already but... We recently had a phone conversation a few days ago that got me upset. He basically told me that he needed help with what I liked or what I wanted for a gift.

But, haven't we been together for a

In that year shouldn't he know what I like and don't like?
Especially without the help of others?

It really bothered me because it seemed like, in that year, I was the only one paying attention.

I know that he likes video games.
I know that he likes the game character Kirby.
I know that he likes the colour green.
I know that he hates it when people stuff his mouth with words he didn't say.
I know so much more to the point that finding gifts are easy but finding good enough gifts are much more challenging, but possible!

He should know that I like ANY TYPE of jewelry or anything cute or sweet!
He should know that my favourite game character is Sonic!
He should obviously know my favourite colour is red! It's been a year!
He should know that I absolutely hate zombies!
It's been a year and yet he asks people who don't even know me that personally what he should give me? That really hurts.

Ya know, he doesn't even have to buy me something, he could make it. I would still be happy if he did, why would I not be happy? And even if he did buy me something, I don't care if it's a $0.25 ring from a vending machine or a $300 necklace. I'd be happy with either or.

He should at least, make an effort in searching for a gift I'd like...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"When Moon's Reaching Out Stars"

Hello hello!

It's been since forever since I last posted isn't it? I'm really sorry, truthfully I've been out of ideas of what to post about. So, well, I guess I'll start with the things I missed.

I'm in grade 12 now!
Yes! That's right, it's officially my last year in high school.

It's kinda sad that after this last year, I won't be able to see my friends everyday, or be able to keep in touch with other friends or anything. We take school for granted and want it to be over as soon as possible, but when it ends and we're all "grown up" we always look back at those days don't we? Once these days are over, we won't be able to fall back into a place where we know our friends will eventually show up one by one, whether it be the library, or the cafeteria.
So my words of wisdom?

Cherish these days of being a highschooler. Even if you feel like it's been a bad day and you're just stressed from homework, loved ones, family, friends, teachers, anything. You'll still be able to look back and say, "haha, I can't believe that ever happened".

High school years are the ones that you most likely will ever feel embarrassment, frustration and humiliation. But at the same time, you'll experience love, happiness and joy.

I took school for granted right from the start to waaaay past the middle, but now that I realize that I'm in my last senior year of high school. I feel hesitant and even depressed that these days will come to an end. And once they're gone, we'll have to "grow up" and move on.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cosplay Success!

Today is the ending of Ai-kon... Well, actually it ended pretty much 5 hours ago haha. Kinda sad cause I can't stay in the executive suite at Delta Hotel anymore. They make sure you never go hungry.... for free.... /drools

My cosplay turned out really good, people actually asked for my picture. =)
I even found my own Ryuuji, well... more like he was searching for me and I met up with him. I was kinda taken aback when I saw his, "looking for Taiga" sign. Though It was kinda cute and flattering...

But anyways~!

When I got home I discovered a very pleasant surprise...


and guess what?


Heehee. I can't wait to sleep in it tonight~!

Oh! and before I go, here's a list of what I got at Ai-kon '09.

-Shadow the Hedgehog Keychain - $7
-Rosa Mystica (Ring from Rozen Maiden) - $12
-Cupcake Charm Bracelet - $15
-Cake Earrings - $5
-Soul Eater Necklace&Ring Set x2 - $17 x 2 = $34
-Cake Scarf - $20 (SOOO WORTH IT)
-Near Plushie - $0 (Birthday present from friend)
-Fancy Ribbon Cellphone Charm x2 - $5 x 2 = $10

(Will add pictures later after a good night's rest =P)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Me

It's officially my birthday~~!

Wow, I can't believe I'm 17 now. I feel so much younger than that haha.

It's funny when you wish for more happy days to come and yet what you get in return is days of bad luck... I can't really tell you what's happening right now but...

For the sake of my family's happiness I'm going to throw away my own.

If you ask me how am I and I tell you I'm pretty damn good...?

I'm lying through my teeth...


Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh my god! ♥

Today's birthday party was AWESOME!!

There were some flaws here and there with the planning but everyone still had so much fun. =)
My best friend Riley was there and I haven't seen him since grade eight. I'm so happy that I got to see him again, he's so fun to hang out with. It was just like back then; me, him and Carmen just hanging out and having a blast!

I love all my presents and I'm really thankful to everyone that went to my party.

Despite the weather we went swimming at Birds Hill Park at 1:00 pm, then at around 6:00 pm we went to GC Mall to watch the Harry Potter movie. As a little bonus, at 10:00 pm we headed over to Boston Pizza to have a VERY late dinner haha. But it was definitely worth it. After that at around 11:30 pm everyone said their goodbyes and headed home.

I had so much fun today~!

I hope more fun days like today come.

--Ophelia =)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hmm today, what did I do?

Well... if it's any consolation I had a break down today. Yup. For several reasons.

1 being my birthday party plans.
2 being my boyfriend.
3 being my parents.

Maaan, I've been blaring my music and cleaning my room for most of today. Just now, I moved my ENTIRE bed out of my room and the mattresses are in the hallway and the bed frame is downstairs.

After that, I'm just gonna clean the floors then attempt to take out the dresser in my room... I HATE that thing.

After that... I dunno.. Maybe re-wire the things in my room? Who knows?

....Damn I'm good.

Anyways, on a side note. Incase you're wondering why I took out my bed, it's because I'm going to make room for my new bed. =)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trip to the Forks

Well, that was definitely fun.

Today I went out with friends. It was really fun. We went to Sushi Train and ate sushi.... but since we were all on a tight budget I only ordered Tamago sushis (2) and a California Roll (1).

Well... you know... Tamago comes in pairs and California comes in half a dozen sushi... course haha.

Anyways, after that we went looking around the forks and went to the different shops and even after that we went to the park behind my house and started playing on the structure and even climbing trees. It was really a great day. We also played 'slaps' (card game) when we were all just relaxing. Of course there was still penalty rounds heehee.

Anyways, just saying. Today was great.

See ya all.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oh noes! It's been sooo long!

Sorry everyone! I've been very preoccupied with so many things going on! But anyway here's the latest 411!

Tomorro-- Er.. Today. I have a job interview at 3:00 pm for Subway. Heehee, I really hope I get the job!! >.<

But besides that, I'm going to VGL on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I only had to spend $20 bucks ;P. To those of you that don't know what VGL is, it stands for "Video Games Live". It's when the Winnipeg Orchestra puts on a 3 day show playing music from very popular video games. I bought a ticket for Wednesday and they gave me a complimentary ticket for the Tuesday show because there's going to be a Guitar Hero tournament happening on that day. The doors open at 6 pm and the show starts at 8 pm... So I kinda wonder when it's going to end but... It can't be that bad!


That's it for now~
Will post later! See ya next time my cute little bloggers!~ ;P

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"the day before the "Last day of School""

Wow, I'm kinda scared but excited at the same time! School is officially ending, well, until next year haha. The Red River Ex is open already, but I need to study for my Biology exam on the 22nd of this month!! But then again, I can always go after the exam right? Too bad I can't. The Ex ends on the 21st. Damn, one day before my exam. This sucks.

Hmm... there's always next year right? :'D

Ugggh, then again, it's a year away. .>___>.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Remember, remember the fifth of November..."

Awww man!~ I'm watching V for Vendetta right now for the umpteenth time and I absolutely LOVE V. I love the way he talks and the way his personality is haha. He's so adorable!~

So, just for him. I'll type up a little speech of his.

In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both a victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition."

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Hey I have a question," she frowned. "Shoot," he said, glancing at her.

Her To Him.

"Let's say we were going out okay? And it's been 6 months already and things were going pretty rocky. Then, one day, I gave you an ultimatum which was; 'either you show me how much you love me, or we break up.' What would you do?"

"I would show you how much I love you so much, what else?"

"Okay and if I said, "when?""

"I'd say "right now""


"Yes... when else would I say? Hahaha. If it was me, it wouldn't have come to that in the first place."

" boyfriend can't even come up with an answer half as good as that. Do you know what he said?"


"He said, "well not right now, so maybe later.""


"Yeah... dead serious."

Her To Her.

"This relationship isn't going anywhere and I can tell. What are your exact emotions for him?"

"I love him so much that it hurts twice as much when he doesn't reciprocate."

Friday, May 15, 2009

"Lie to me," she said. He looked away... "I love you," he replied.

Sorry about yesterday, and I'll apologize about today too. Sorry everyone, I'm still having those really bad days where I'm ticked off so bad.

I've come to realize that from the starting point of our relationship, that's when you tried your hardest to impress me or flatter me, and even everyday of the first few weeks you used to always call me "beautiful".

But these days, these past few weeks, I've noticed that you never say those words anymore. You never even talk to me that much anymore. You never call, you're never online on msn.
It's to the point where I don't even know if we're still on the same wave length.

It's even at the point where I'm second guessing and hesitating in asking regular things just because the lack of talking and affection has made me forget what our relationship used to be like.

I can't ask you, "do you have work this week?" or "are you gonna call me?". Just because I think I'm being too clingy, which I don't want to be. But even then, it's so easy for friends to ask you that and you reply with no problem-- when I try, I stop myself.

I don't know where to go from.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Oh, that's alright. Cause ya know, I wasn't expecting you to be online at all today too~"

Okay, okay. These are one of those days where I'm friggin pissed.

So I'm just gonna rant off these feelings okay?

You're happy.
I'm happy.
You go work on something.
I support you.
You kiss me.
I'm extremely happy.
You're happy.
I'm happy.
You tell me you'll be online (after such a long time).
I wait patiently.
You're not online.
I go on Ragnarok Online.
You're not on RO.
I still wait.
Your friend tells me you're on RO.
I check msn to see if you're on there too.
You're not.
I bait you by telling him that I say hi.
You respond the same way.
I'm confused you don't talk to me yourself.
You log in to a character- my character knows.
I wait for you to say hi.
You don't.
I still wait, confused.
You don't say a thing.
I'm wondering what could be wrong.
You log out unexpectedly.
I ask your friend why you logged out.
Your friend tells me you went to bed.
I'm shocked. Confused. Frustrated. Disappointed...

There's too many emotions to name them all.

What's the point of telling me you're going to be online and getting my hopes up if we're not gonna talk? Did you just kiss me to shut me up? What the hell are you thinking? I don't understand your feelings!

What am I supposed to think when you do things like this?!?!

Monday, May 11, 2009

"What shall we do today? What shall we do?"

Today is a monday, and of course I'm at school and it's my spare. I'm quite confused. Maybe it's just my selective seeing (haha)?? My friend- or maybe soon to be ex-friend- well, I thought he waved to me? Maybe not, maybe he was just saying hi to my boyfriend.

Ah, oh well. Whatever happens, happens.

Man, I'm bored.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm back again.

Yup, new layout, new song and new feelings. No, no, me and my boyfriend didn't break up or anything like that. I just feel... rejuvenated? Maybe that's the word I'm looking for, maybe not. It's been sunny for a few days now and I feel like everything's picking up. My life, my school work, everything. I'm gonna try my best, and hopefully. I'll move forward more in everything too.

Just like this song.

"Where did the weekend go", I say to Steve
as the elevator opens, on the seventh floor of hell.
Served up a coffee, now I'm half-awake
start to wander through my email, getting cozy in my cell.

One, two, three, four, five more hours.
Crush my soul and send me flowers.
Take me home, where I can be myself again.

monday I'll sleep in till noon and stay out late.
And live the life I want, I know
one day,
I'll leave this dark grey cubicle behind...
if the rent could still get paid.

Tried to be different, wore stripe socks today
I think that everybody noticed, heard them talking in the hall.
You know those muffins on Todd's desk, well I better hurry now and get one...
Guess I'll have to miss that call.

One, two, three, four, five more hours.
Sing my love songs in the shower.
Brush my teeth, try to plan my get away.

monday I'll sleep in till noon and stay out late.
And live the life I want, I know
one day,
I'll leave this dark grey cubicle behind...
if the rent could still get paid.

The Dental plan, serves me well
love my ergonomic chair, steady pay
but I never seem to say,
"I've been wasting too much time!
I don't wanna be there!"

Monday I'll sleep in till noon and stay out late.
And live the life I want, because
one day!
I'll leave this dark grey cubicle behind,
Things are gonna be different!

Monday I'll sleep in till noon and stay out late.
And live the, live the life I want!
One day!
I'll kiss this dark grey cubicle goodbye...

If the rent will still get paid.

Where did the weekend go?
I've been wasting too much time!
Where did the weekend go?

Where did the weekend go?
I've been wasting too much time!
Where did the weekend go?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Good morning everyone.

Yup, that's right. It's 7:26 am on a Monday and I'm awake. Actually, I was awake an hour ago... an hour and-- 11 minutes ago haha.

I don't know what to expect today as to how several people want to talk to me, or wanted to for a while and I gave them opportunities to be able to for a few days now, but neither of them has stepped up. I was talking about it to a friend and she brought up how when I'm angry I'm scary and hard to approach. I don't think I'm like that. But then again, several people can agree with that statement, my sister included.

It is now 7:30 am-- 31 am. Yes it took me 4-5 minutes to type that tiny paragraph... maybe less than a paragraph. And yes I keep glancing at the clock. I have school so I'm probably gonna have to get ready soon. I dunno. I feel like going to school uber early today. To clear my mind maybe?

Not sure.

Well, I'm not exactly sure of what exactly...(wow, just said the same word twice) but I know I need the time this morning to just... Have peace and quiet? In a totally desolate school? At least before people start swarming into the halls and whatnot.

That reminds me. :\
I don't even know if I have Biology or a spare in the morning. :\
Umm, I think I might have a spare. But I most likely have biology.

Oh well, I'll find out when I get to school and either way I'll blog more/edit this blog and write more stuff.

It's 7:37 am in Winnipeg, high of 9° and low of -2°. Snowing... but I think it stopped.
It'll probably come back anyways.

Dress warmly, don't slip,
and don't let the wind mess your hair.

Take care everyone,


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"This pain in my heart feels familiar..."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Haah, been awhile right?

So, it's been since FORREEEEVER since I last posted in here and I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be my last.

Hey, how are you guys? Did you miss me? Did anything great happen?
Well, me and my boyfriend are doing great, but besides that,

So much for fucking promising me huh? I can't believe, I trusted you. I should have learned the first time you broke my promise, ya know, the one in grade 7? It was you, to that guy, to the entire class. But now it's you, to that girl, to who knows what now.

I shouldn't be suprised ya know? Cause this happened before?

But you know what else?

I am surprised.

Cause I knew this could happen but you know what?! I bet on your better half.

And I got burned.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"I cry"

"Words penetrate into everybody's soul
And yes, I was a victim of your words
You suddenly, said you loved me
You were a fool to say such words

I try, to dry my eyes that have no tears
Whatever you say, I can't rely
I can only imagine your just like those people

Who try to break me down
Who try to scratch my dignity away
I don't understand why

So tell me why!
you think you're any different from them all

Can't you see?!
that I don't need any love from anyone

I only trust!
myself and the truth is...'re really all I want."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Pffft. That could've gone better."

Hey, yup, not crying anymore. Not mad either.......ish.

So recently at school, I've been getting extra help and geez, I thought I was bad at Chemistry and now that I have Math Precal 11 and Biology in the same semester... It's not going well, I don't know wh-- okay. I know why.

Okay first of all, just to let you know.

Ms. Hutchinson's helping me with that so I'll try and stand my ground in precal.

Second of all...


Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Why can't I stop crying?"

"I don't remember crying this hard in a long time..."

Monday, March 2, 2009

"I'm not sure why I called, I guess I really just wanted... to talk to you."

"And I was thinking maybe later on, we could get together for awhile.
It's been such a long time and I really did miss your smile."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Heyo, anybody home?"

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've blogged, huh?

Well, nothing's new with me right now, Valentine's day passed already and nothing too big to report. I've been recently playing PS3 demos which are actually a whole bunch of fun. My favourites would be "PixelJunk Monsters, PixelJunk Racers & PixelJunk Eden". Other than that, I'm...... actually really bored.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"New Banner!"

Just wondering guys, how do you like the new banner? If it's not that good then It'll just be a temporary before I make a better one. :'D

Sorry, been busy. I'll try to blog more. Sorry.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"I'm waiting on you now."

Hey everyone!

I'm totally stoked for when the snow melts enough for me to start my own training schedule! Yup! You heard me! My. Own. Training. Schedule. What is it you ask?
Kick-boxing, haha.

I think it's totally worth the sweat and pain lmao. But really, one mean comment and it's an elbow to your jaw! Ka-pow! Haha, just kidding.

I can't wait to start my training,

see ya later.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Oh the temptation. ♥ "


God I wish I had these...

"Happy Three Month! =D"

Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Ah perfect. Now let me assess the situation from here."

Sooooo, anyways...


Haha, I love it lol.
Oh and about the whole trouble in paradise for the past few days? It's been taken care of. Sooo, it's the last day of the month and tomorrow will be several things.

The start of a new month. The start of a new semester. And best of all.... Valentine's day coming up!~ XD

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Brava. Brava."

"Hey Tina, I couldn't use my phone last night. I really wanted to call you, I was thinking about you all night. I really care for you and I want you to know that your special to me, you're the one I care about and I'll stop playing that game for you. I want you to be happy."

"Really Vince, this is the 50 billionth time I heard that. I'm really sorry but you have to show me that you really do care because hearing it isn't just enough anymore. If you can't do that then you can go rot in Thors."

"I do care for you and I try showing that by saying I'll call you because I don't want you to think I've forgot about you. If I never said I would call you or go on msn, what would you think? Probably that, "Vince doesn't like me", well I do like you and I don't know how to show it. I'm trying to but I cant. I will try and prove it to you, you need to give me another chance, I'll work on it... I care about you so much but I don't now how to express it and show it to you. Tina you are my world and I would travel to Thors volcano to save you and us if that's what it takes"

"Vince, I care for you too but you could have just told me that you can't call. I would have been fine with that. But why couldn't you go on MSN? You're allowed to play a game and not talk to your girlfriend? Shows how much of a social life you have. If I give you another chance you would really have to prove it to me. I suggest to go ask Brian for advice. And you'd never find me at Thors...
I'm only at home waiting for your call."

Friday, January 23, 2009

"So if you're lonely, you know I'm here waiting for you"

Yesterday I went to my boyfriend's house. We watched a movie together-- well half of one-- before I had to go home. My sis and her boyfriend picked me up and we went to Subway to eat and chat. We've got some cosplaying ideas down, and we gossiped about the latest things as well. We also ranted about somethings as well. It was fun.

But fun's over, it's friday now and it's time to study for the exams. Wish me luck in studying! I'll update to tell you what I'm studying and how the progress is going!

Aja Aja Fighting!!


Need to study: Math Precal (Mon-1 pm) & Chemistry (Thurs-? am/pm).
Need to complete: Math Precal Cheat Sheet Full Scalp (Mon) & ELA Project (Due: Wed).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goodmorning Bloggers.

Been awhile huh? Nothing much to report right now except for the fact that exams are coming up real soon. English class made me find a poet named "Ray Hsu", and hey, I'm not complaining. Sooo anyways, gotta go it's lunch time so;

eat up sunshine.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Haha, oh my god priceless."

Sooooo, I haven't blogged in a while, yup yup I'm sorry about that. Recently I've been addicted to 1) my boyfriend, and 2) Animal Crossing: City Folk. Haha, big difference right? well, my main blog is about diversities so yeah, just relax. Anyways, I'll apologize in advance that I feel very mushy ushy today. But I have a good reaso- oh man, that was gonna be a mushy line too. Of course you guys know that I'm in love and what not, so I'll just say for the umpteenth time: "I'm happy".

And the title to the blog? Oh god that was awesome.

Here's the 411.

My ex just recently talked to me on msn out of no where! He just starts going on and on about how he's sorry for being a jackass, and how he feels so bad about treating me so bad! And the kicker is that he said he wanted to see me in person to let me know how sorry he feels!

Like, are you serious?!

Okay buddy, just because I changed my image; straightened my hair, bought new clothes, got new acessories and started getting more into fashion does NOT mean that I want you back! Hello! I dumped you for being a jackass why would I want you back?

It's one thing to think that he has the slightest chance at getting back with me but he's soooo fugly now! I'm not being mean, he deserves it! Geez, I didn't know that 2-3 years can change a person so much.

Fuck! Just because I'm a babe now doesn't mean you can just try and get back with me thinking that I'm showing myself off just so you can see me again.

Seriously dude, he's so fugly now that it should be illegal for him to be within 10 feet of me.

Nuff said.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"If you don't jump off, you'll drown."

Aww man, props to my sister for giving me ideas ♥.

I'm soo in love, there's no doubt about it. Haha, I just hope that later on you won't read a post saying "me and so&so broke up today and blah blah blah blah, etc. I just wished that me and him had more time to spend together. Just the two of us. =)

Oh! Watched Eagle Eye today, freaking awesome. I practically love GLADos, hahaha, props to people who know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Ticklish huh?"

Well, needless to say. Umm, yeah no more problems in paradise I guess, for now anyways lol. CaptainAwesome's probably like, "stay that way" haha. But... umm yeah, today... today... I'm working on the MOA Banner I'm going to submit for Valentine's Day and I'm also gonna have to work on Newspaper stuff >___<. Man, it's pretty stupid. I only joined the Newspaper club because I thought that there was going to be an edition everyday. Not every... month or so. That's pretty lame and it makes me want to quit it. Besides, I'm the only reporter so it's pretty idiotic. I really feel like quitting it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

"Irony, it doesn't make sense."

You keep saying 'for the first time' too much, you say you've never had feelings like this but your words aren't convincing. You say I'm different compared to other girls but you sound suspicious.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Face it Tiger, you've hit the jackpot."

Well, school starts tomorrow and I started my day today by watching Spider-man movies. All three of them. Right now, I'm on the third one where Venom and The Sandman verse Peter Parker, hmm pretty crazy. I've watched them all before but ya know, what else can I do to make me busy?


12:17 am
Haha, finished the Iron man movie just not so long ago, it's a really great movie, very funny. He's one of the superheroes that I admire. My number one being Flash, then Spider-man, then after that Iron man. After that... well... the rest don't really matter as much to me.

School tomorrow, or er... today (1:26 am) so I better get going.

Goodnight and see ya.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"So how bout that ice-skating?"

Ice skating was pretty fun, I enjoyed it. But I was still kinda sad/disappointed that Vincent didn't go. I'd love for me and him to go ice skating together. I improved a lot even though it was my first time ice skating, I'm proud and still kinda disappointed about that. I'd always picture me falling as we ice skated and him helping me up while we both laughed.

Anyways, after ice skating. The MOA group went to Players to play billiards and just relax, more then half of the group sat down at the couches. I was one of those people, it was nice just sitting down and talking. But it was sad that I was sitting down across from a couple and next to a couple, I felt kinda lonely. ^__^;

But you know, that's probably how a lot of other people feel sometimes so I should just suck it up right?

Well, it's late.

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Happy Belated New Year!"

Hey everyone, man I haven't posted in such a long time. Just posting to wish everyone a happy belated new year! Did you guys all make new year resolutions? I did haha, I'll tell them to you later, it's pretty late right now. But anyways, tomorrow- or today- I'm going ice-skating with the MOA group, I'm kinda disappointed that Vincent can't come though. But I'll try to make the best of it, I really wanna go ice-skating.

Oh no! And I just remembered that I wasn't able to go to the revolving restaurant before it closed!! Oh noooooes!!

I'll update later! Buh-bye!