Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

It's Christmas day and it's partially blizzarding outside reminding every one of us that it
is definitely a white Christmas. I'm awake this early for reasons unknown. This past week I've usually woken up around sometime in the afternoon but today, I'm up and about at around 9 am. It's amazing cause honestly, I was talking to my boyfriend yesterday from 12:01 am till around 1:41 am.

But anyways, I'm blogging not because of the presents I got, I'll blog about them later. I'm blogging about the dream I had. It's a dream I don't even know why I dreamt. As you read you might laugh, and don't worry, I want you too! Because I know that this dream is

The dream started with me and Vincent walking to his house in the cold, there wasn't that much snow but I guess that's my ideal winter weather. Anyways, we got to his house and warmed up there, we just sat on his couch talking about the future and it was actually pretty calming.

The next bit however, is something I don't understand.

I'm standing in my school near the doors, but it doesn't really look like my school because the inside layout (walls and ceiling) is just like the swimming pool that's near Maples (Maples Swimming Pool?). And I have these small silver metal marbles in my pocket and apparently a sheet of paper, to which I hold the paper horizontally a few inches above the floor and scan around the room. I stop every now and then when a faint glow is on the paper and I place a marble on the floor where I see the paper glowing. I stop after at least 4 marbles are on the ground and I take a step back to where I was originally standing.
You know in those shooter video games like C.O.D. they give you a radar and where people show up there's those little glowing spots? Well apparently, that's what I just did and the marbles on the floor tell me exactly how far my friends are. And I guess I was partially psychic in my dream because I'd text my friend Jherome and I'd
hear his response? Not get it back as a text. But I'd actually hear it in his voice in my head? Well basically he tells me that we're going to meet up and we do.

Next scene takes place in the backyard of Collicutt Elementary School. Me and Jherome are just sitting and talking when all of a sudden two people show up. One of them is a girl, with long hair styled like this;

(...except it was black.)

But anyways! The person she was with was Jon Gucci, and for some reason or another she gave him a weird look and said, "loser" and ran off. In which he started dancing in place singing "Sexy Back"... Oh yeah, and he was holding a hair straightener which was on. It caught me off guard, but it was actually funny too.

P.S. - The girl turned out to be Hazel.


Next on the list...

What I got for Christmas was;
-PSP (1000 gen)
-Nokia Xpressmusic cellphone (other one broke)
-$100+ Hair straightener (VERY nice)
-New Winter Jacket
-Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

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