Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Brava. Brava."

"Hey Tina, I couldn't use my phone last night. I really wanted to call you, I was thinking about you all night. I really care for you and I want you to know that your special to me, you're the one I care about and I'll stop playing that game for you. I want you to be happy."

"Really Vince, this is the 50 billionth time I heard that. I'm really sorry but you have to show me that you really do care because hearing it isn't just enough anymore. If you can't do that then you can go rot in Thors."

"I do care for you and I try showing that by saying I'll call you because I don't want you to think I've forgot about you. If I never said I would call you or go on msn, what would you think? Probably that, "Vince doesn't like me", well I do like you and I don't know how to show it. I'm trying to but I cant. I will try and prove it to you, you need to give me another chance, I'll work on it... I care about you so much but I don't now how to express it and show it to you. Tina you are my world and I would travel to Thors volcano to save you and us if that's what it takes"

"Vince, I care for you too but you could have just told me that you can't call. I would have been fine with that. But why couldn't you go on MSN? You're allowed to play a game and not talk to your girlfriend? Shows how much of a social life you have. If I give you another chance you would really have to prove it to me. I suggest to go ask Brian for advice. And you'd never find me at Thors...
I'm only at home waiting for your call."

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