Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Ah perfect. Now let me assess the situation from here."

Sooooo, anyways...


Haha, I love it lol.
Oh and about the whole trouble in paradise for the past few days? It's been taken care of. Sooo, it's the last day of the month and tomorrow will be several things.

The start of a new month. The start of a new semester. And best of all.... Valentine's day coming up!~ XD

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Brava. Brava."

"Hey Tina, I couldn't use my phone last night. I really wanted to call you, I was thinking about you all night. I really care for you and I want you to know that your special to me, you're the one I care about and I'll stop playing that game for you. I want you to be happy."

"Really Vince, this is the 50 billionth time I heard that. I'm really sorry but you have to show me that you really do care because hearing it isn't just enough anymore. If you can't do that then you can go rot in Thors."

"I do care for you and I try showing that by saying I'll call you because I don't want you to think I've forgot about you. If I never said I would call you or go on msn, what would you think? Probably that, "Vince doesn't like me", well I do like you and I don't know how to show it. I'm trying to but I cant. I will try and prove it to you, you need to give me another chance, I'll work on it... I care about you so much but I don't now how to express it and show it to you. Tina you are my world and I would travel to Thors volcano to save you and us if that's what it takes"

"Vince, I care for you too but you could have just told me that you can't call. I would have been fine with that. But why couldn't you go on MSN? You're allowed to play a game and not talk to your girlfriend? Shows how much of a social life you have. If I give you another chance you would really have to prove it to me. I suggest to go ask Brian for advice. And you'd never find me at Thors...
I'm only at home waiting for your call."

Friday, January 23, 2009

"So if you're lonely, you know I'm here waiting for you"

Yesterday I went to my boyfriend's house. We watched a movie together-- well half of one-- before I had to go home. My sis and her boyfriend picked me up and we went to Subway to eat and chat. We've got some cosplaying ideas down, and we gossiped about the latest things as well. We also ranted about somethings as well. It was fun.

But fun's over, it's friday now and it's time to study for the exams. Wish me luck in studying! I'll update to tell you what I'm studying and how the progress is going!

Aja Aja Fighting!!


Need to study: Math Precal (Mon-1 pm) & Chemistry (Thurs-? am/pm).
Need to complete: Math Precal Cheat Sheet Full Scalp (Mon) & ELA Project (Due: Wed).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goodmorning Bloggers.

Been awhile huh? Nothing much to report right now except for the fact that exams are coming up real soon. English class made me find a poet named "Ray Hsu", and hey, I'm not complaining. Sooo anyways, gotta go it's lunch time so;

eat up sunshine.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Haha, oh my god priceless."

Sooooo, I haven't blogged in a while, yup yup I'm sorry about that. Recently I've been addicted to 1) my boyfriend, and 2) Animal Crossing: City Folk. Haha, big difference right? well, my main blog is about diversities so yeah, just relax. Anyways, I'll apologize in advance that I feel very mushy ushy today. But I have a good reaso- oh man, that was gonna be a mushy line too. Of course you guys know that I'm in love and what not, so I'll just say for the umpteenth time: "I'm happy".

And the title to the blog? Oh god that was awesome.

Here's the 411.

My ex just recently talked to me on msn out of no where! He just starts going on and on about how he's sorry for being a jackass, and how he feels so bad about treating me so bad! And the kicker is that he said he wanted to see me in person to let me know how sorry he feels!

Like, are you serious?!

Okay buddy, just because I changed my image; straightened my hair, bought new clothes, got new acessories and started getting more into fashion does NOT mean that I want you back! Hello! I dumped you for being a jackass why would I want you back?

It's one thing to think that he has the slightest chance at getting back with me but he's soooo fugly now! I'm not being mean, he deserves it! Geez, I didn't know that 2-3 years can change a person so much.

Fuck! Just because I'm a babe now doesn't mean you can just try and get back with me thinking that I'm showing myself off just so you can see me again.

Seriously dude, he's so fugly now that it should be illegal for him to be within 10 feet of me.

Nuff said.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"If you don't jump off, you'll drown."

Aww man, props to my sister for giving me ideas ♥.

I'm soo in love, there's no doubt about it. Haha, I just hope that later on you won't read a post saying "me and so&so broke up today and blah blah blah blah, etc. I just wished that me and him had more time to spend together. Just the two of us. =)

Oh! Watched Eagle Eye today, freaking awesome. I practically love GLADos, hahaha, props to people who know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Ticklish huh?"

Well, needless to say. Umm, yeah no more problems in paradise I guess, for now anyways lol. CaptainAwesome's probably like, "stay that way" haha. But... umm yeah, today... today... I'm working on the MOA Banner I'm going to submit for Valentine's Day and I'm also gonna have to work on Newspaper stuff >___<. Man, it's pretty stupid. I only joined the Newspaper club because I thought that there was going to be an edition everyday. Not every... month or so. That's pretty lame and it makes me want to quit it. Besides, I'm the only reporter so it's pretty idiotic. I really feel like quitting it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

"Irony, it doesn't make sense."

You keep saying 'for the first time' too much, you say you've never had feelings like this but your words aren't convincing. You say I'm different compared to other girls but you sound suspicious.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Face it Tiger, you've hit the jackpot."

Well, school starts tomorrow and I started my day today by watching Spider-man movies. All three of them. Right now, I'm on the third one where Venom and The Sandman verse Peter Parker, hmm pretty crazy. I've watched them all before but ya know, what else can I do to make me busy?


12:17 am
Haha, finished the Iron man movie just not so long ago, it's a really great movie, very funny. He's one of the superheroes that I admire. My number one being Flash, then Spider-man, then after that Iron man. After that... well... the rest don't really matter as much to me.

School tomorrow, or er... today (1:26 am) so I better get going.

Goodnight and see ya.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"So how bout that ice-skating?"

Ice skating was pretty fun, I enjoyed it. But I was still kinda sad/disappointed that Vincent didn't go. I'd love for me and him to go ice skating together. I improved a lot even though it was my first time ice skating, I'm proud and still kinda disappointed about that. I'd always picture me falling as we ice skated and him helping me up while we both laughed.

Anyways, after ice skating. The MOA group went to Players to play billiards and just relax, more then half of the group sat down at the couches. I was one of those people, it was nice just sitting down and talking. But it was sad that I was sitting down across from a couple and next to a couple, I felt kinda lonely. ^__^;

But you know, that's probably how a lot of other people feel sometimes so I should just suck it up right?

Well, it's late.

Friday, January 2, 2009

"Happy Belated New Year!"

Hey everyone, man I haven't posted in such a long time. Just posting to wish everyone a happy belated new year! Did you guys all make new year resolutions? I did haha, I'll tell them to you later, it's pretty late right now. But anyways, tomorrow- or today- I'm going ice-skating with the MOA group, I'm kinda disappointed that Vincent can't come though. But I'll try to make the best of it, I really wanna go ice-skating.

Oh no! And I just remembered that I wasn't able to go to the revolving restaurant before it closed!! Oh noooooes!!

I'll update later! Buh-bye!