Saturday, September 18, 2010

1901-- I mean 2010

Hello all, how I've missed you dearly! And ha! I told you I'd blog again.

Well, for the record, Raph has learned a few more tricks up his furry sleeve. Those tricks being "Stand", "High-five", "Paw", and "Speak". Although his I.Q. has risen, he remains to be a brute that bites anything that moves.

Oh, also, news on the job search? Not going so well. I did however get an interview for Salsbury house. But that's all I ever really got. It's been two days since and I didn't get a call back. My hope is pretty much zilch right now. But I will not give up!

Other than that, I have been forcing myself to produce lines for the stories I've kept on hiatus for so long. And hopefully, instead of manually turning the gears in the creative side of my head, they'll finally start turning on their own.

Yes, unlike my last blog, this one was short. But I'll just say that it's because I held in my emotions and the last blog was just me vomiting it up.



Man that's so gross.

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