Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Don't EVER wish without thinking."

So I'll tell you right now.

I'm sitting in a computer lab with my close friend during lunch time. I normally just go to the cafeteria and sit at a table with friends but... It's too uncomfortable there.

Me and the former ex-friend have been talking recently... In fact... I think TOO much. He stares at me all during lunchtime. Texts me excessively. Talks to me on msn till 2 am everyday. When me and my boyfriend get into mini-arguments, he strongly hints that I should break up with him. He also offers me rides to school and back (he doesn't offer anyone else rides).

At first I tried to shrug it off despite the strange vibe I've been getting, and think of it as just a "former ex-friend being in the 'clingy stage'". But now it's just... too much to handle. Too much to overlook.

My advice to my beloved readers;
-Do not wish for things without thinking it through.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I decided to post today because I really like the symmetry of today's date.
So, I talked to him today and everything's fine. We're catching up with each other and talking as if nothing ever happened. It's really fun talking to him and I've just remembered or even found out how much we have in common.

But I do hope that I'll be able to talk to him face to face and not through a chatbox like Facebook or MSN.

Well, we're getting there. =)

However, in other news, the stories I've been posting up have been halted from the lack of updating. *sigh* I have a habit of having a completely brilliant idea for stories that no one has come up with, and when I attempt to write it down, the idea just vanishes. Come to think of it, I'm actually a very bad explainer, and yet when I write a story the dialogue and plot are just amazing. The words flow and aren't awkward, it's easy to read even though it's descriptive, I guess it's cause I really love to write. It's just hard getting around writer's block.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So, I've recently just started talking to my... ex-friend. Well, over facebook anyways. We haven't yet talked to each other face to face yet... I wonder what will happen?

Will we really be able to speak to each other normally after more than a year of avoiding each other?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! ♥

Well, it's the new year. Did you complete any New Year's Resolutions? Did you make new ones?

I completed one;
Do not drink Tim Horton's Hot Chocolate.
If you're wondering why, it's a long story so classify it as a "tl;dr".

But anyways, to make this blog short and simple. I'll just tell you that I noticed how I doubled last year's number of posts this year's-- or what was this year. And maybe this year, I'll double the number of posts again.
So I guess that will be my new New Year's Resolution.