Friday, May 15, 2009

"Lie to me," she said. He looked away... "I love you," he replied.

Sorry about yesterday, and I'll apologize about today too. Sorry everyone, I'm still having those really bad days where I'm ticked off so bad.

I've come to realize that from the starting point of our relationship, that's when you tried your hardest to impress me or flatter me, and even everyday of the first few weeks you used to always call me "beautiful".

But these days, these past few weeks, I've noticed that you never say those words anymore. You never even talk to me that much anymore. You never call, you're never online on msn.
It's to the point where I don't even know if we're still on the same wave length.

It's even at the point where I'm second guessing and hesitating in asking regular things just because the lack of talking and affection has made me forget what our relationship used to be like.

I can't ask you, "do you have work this week?" or "are you gonna call me?". Just because I think I'm being too clingy, which I don't want to be. But even then, it's so easy for friends to ask you that and you reply with no problem-- when I try, I stop myself.

I don't know where to go from.

1 comment:

Negi said...

You're not being clingy,You're just wondering and asking whats up?
if he can't look you in the eye and answer anything to you truthfully then you really gotta ask yourself "is it really worth the pain your going through now?"
anyone would tell you and I said as well leave him and break up with him and move on as the saying goes " you can always love again"
(hope im not beating around the bush here)